
110413 Twitter & Weibo Update 推特和微博更新

Twitter Update :

@realISAK Wow Really!? To my French fan: Merci! Je t'aime!♥^-^ Well... Actually I thought u called me cuz u miss me 누나! ㅠ△ㅠ BoooOooOoo~ LOL!

Sawadeekab Thailand!!! Happy Songkran Day!!! \(^▽^)/ Have a NICE holiday!♥ God bless!! @Khunnie0624 Bring me to Thailand Khun~ ㅋㅋㅋ~

Weibo Update : 

昨日我們一家人在新馬路「九如坊」吃晚飯。這裡的地道菜色非常美味傳統,之後才知道原來大廚盧先生以前是澳督府的大廚! 難怪菜色這麼美味十足!

Twitter Update : 

Went for dinner w/ family at 九如坊 in Central 新馬路~ The food was GREAT! Then found that the main chef was also Macau governor's main chef!!
This is Mr. Lou盧!! The main chef for Macau's former SIX governors!!! 대박~ ^-^)b and next to him, Mr. Hottie~♨ (=v=) LOL! 

